Dry skin is usually not too dangerous and you can fix it easily after wearing certainmoisturizers. But what if the condition does not change no matter how much you apply moisturizer to the top of your skin? If this occurs, there is usually some signs of disease mild to dangerous to your skin are trying to tell you. Based on that, through this article, we will only discuss some serious disease characterized by dryness of the skin. At least, there are 4 kinds of diseases you should beware of dry skin at all times.
According to Helena Rosenzweig, MD, an expert in dermatology who hails from UCLA Medical School in California say that skin dryness are very common occur against people who suffer from diabetes. When your blood sugar levels rise in chronic, then your body will lose fluid faster than normal so it will cause your skin is dehydrated.
Diabetes can also disrupt your body secretes sweat normally so resulted in a reduced number of moisture in your skin. Skin dryness terminally too may also invite other diseases. Dry skin and cracked more susceptible exposed to bacteria that consumeglucose, so that it can make you a dangerous infections.
Of course, the symptoms of the disease diabetes doesn't stop until there. In addition to experiencing dryness of skin, you'll also experience the thirst, excess urinationmore often, and feel more hungry than usual. Fatigue and blurred views can also besymptoms of other common. If you feel any of these symptoms, your doctor will likely do blood tests for more accurate results.
Underactive Thyroid
Your thyroid gland function in producing the hormones that can make the cells in your body stay healthy. But if you are affected by hypothyroidism, a condition wherethe hormones produced by the thyroid gland becomes reduced or slightly, then functions in your body will start to slow down. In effect, chances are you'll feel more chills, fatigue, and being forgetful, depressed or exposed sewers.
In addition, according to an article published in the journal Endocrinology Dermatowrote that due to thyroid hormone receptors in the skin and have played an important role towards the growth of new cells to replace cells that have been lost from time to time, then such condition will also result in your skin becomes dry, rough andscaly indirectly.
A doctor can make sure your thyroid problem affected or whether by doing a series of blood tests. If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism affected, chances are youwill be given a prescription medication to make your hormone levels back to wherethey are. You can also consume certain foods that contain iodine, selenium and highzync.
Kidney Disease
More than 26 million adults suffer from kidney disease, but most of them are not aware of it. According to Chief Joseph Vassalotti, MD, of the National Kidney Foundation says that the symptoms of kidney disease that starts from fatigue, have problems with concentration or sleep, frequent urination, until puffy.
In addition, dry skin and itching can also be a sign you are affected by kidney disease. It is because your kidneys are no longer able to maintain the balance of minerals and nutrients in your blood.
Many of the sufferers of kidney disease tend to not experience symptoms at all untilthe disease has been in the final stages, so that it will lead to a more dangerous condition such as kidney failure or there is a very large amount of protein in your urineas it is not treated immediately. The only way to find out in the early stages of kidney disease is by conducting tests on the doctor.
If you are a middle risk exposed to diabetes, high blood pressure, family records affected by kidney failure, or your age above 60 years old, it's good to always do a checkup every year.
Skin Cancer
If you see a crust or thick and coarse red patch that bleeds each time you hit or scraped, chances are you middle suffered squamous cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is one of the most common form of skin cancer.
SCC mostly caused by UV exposure, so it will usually show up in areas of skin that are too often exposed to sun exposure. If allowed to grow, the SCC can be a very dangerous and deadly. We recommend that you avoid exposed to sunlight especially during the day with a range between the hours of 11 am to 14 pm.
That's the diverse reviews about a wide range of dangerous diseases with a dry skinthat is often overlooked and unnoticed by someone. the existence of this article hopefully anyone while maintaining good physical health health and spiritual wellnessof each as well. consume natural and healthy food will make the body stronger and awake from a variety of diseases that threaten.