
7 symptoms of dangerous diseases that resembles Allergies

When the turn of seasons from winter to summer in Indonesia and began to air warms up, usually the air around you will be filled with pollen that can lead to a runny nose, watery eyes, sinus pressure or who become your indication that seasonal allergies exposed middle. But, according to Brett Comer, MD, a surgeon and professor of the University of Kentucky says that if the drugs and the silence in the House did not make the allergy symptoms failed to improve, it's likely there are other things that you need to beware of the disease, such as pretending to be a seasonal allergy. To figure it out, you should pay attention to some of the symptoms may be very recalcitrant to be healed. If this occurs, it is likely that you are experiencing symptoms of Central land is not an allergy, but it can be a pretty dangerous disease
that lurk you. Pilek Clear Liquid Dripping From One Nostril If you issue the clear liquid from the nose from only one hole, and tend to be out more when you bowed, chances are there is a leakage of cerebral spinal fluid. The surgeon added that there is a Comer in thin plate which separates between the sinus and the part of the brain where the cerebral fluid flows. If there are holes in the plate, then the liquid will flow out. While the liquid is allegedly harmless, but there are holes in the plates can cause a life-threatening brain infection. But don't worry if sometimes when the morning atmosphere is still cool and cold you are issued a clear liquid from nose aka snot, because it is a reflection of the body in the face of cold weather or is cold. Snot is green and Sore Cheeks If you feel pain in the cheek area, especially the pain only occurs on one side just right in the sinus area under your eyes accompanied by mucus is green, your chances of getting infected. The pain may also spread to the area of the forehead and suburban area of your eyes. You Go Through Certain Treatments Some specific treatment can cause you to be exposed to similar symptoms as allergies. According to Janna Tuck, MD, a spokesman from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology also said that some types of treatment such as heart medication can cause you to be exposed to a very serious clogged nose. Loss of the sense of Smell or Taste Taster Clogged nose caused by allergy usually will not cause you to lose your ability to enjoy food or smell something. According to the Sana Hasan, MD, an Assistant Professor of Immunology, allergy, and reumatology
from Baylor College of Medicine say that if you are experiencing these things, chances are you exposed to nasal polyps. In addition to eliminating your ability in the food tasted or smelled something, the polyps can also cause clogged nose. Pain in the face Other conditions that can cause pain in the cheeks and snot is green is a fungal sinusitis. This condition occurs when there is a fungus that accumulates in your sinuses. For a moment the condition more visible such as allergies, but the fact of the matter is much more dangerous. The fungus enters your sinuses can cause inflammation, then the inflammation will catch more mold and cause inflammation you become more severe. These conditions will continue to repeat and create a vicious circle. This condition often occurs in hot and humid throughout the year. Chronic Hives Many people also incorrectly thought that chronic itching is often thought to be a form of allergy symptoms and seasonal. But according to Princess Ogbogu
, MD, from the Wexner Medical Center of Ohio State University said that if the chronic itching lasts more than 6 weeks, then it is likely that the symptoms are not caused by allergies. The possibility of thyroid disorder you are exposed or there is a problem with your immune system. Headache Allergies certainly can cause you headaches due to sinus pressure. But if the headache came unexpectedly and badly enough so that it can cause you woke up at night and makes you feel queasy, make sure to immediately contact a doctor. According to Isha Gupta, m.d., a neurologist with IGEA Brain and Spine explains that the symptoms could be caused by a tumor, stroke, aneurysm or even. The various symptoms of dangerous diseases like allergy are similar to the above is some information that admin auto summary as a reminder and learning the basics. Even so hopefully with the presence of the media this info could be one of the discourse for those of you who are looking for a reference.
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