
The benefits of lime

Lime is often encountered in various dishes of Indonesia as a flavor enhancer in soto, sate and others. In addition to often used for complementary cuisine, lime turned out to have many benefits for the health and beauty of our bodies. Want to know what are the benefits of lime for health and beauty? Let us know together, after knowing first the content of lime. Here is a list and explanation of the content of lime that can be utilized by humans.
Lime content
As mentioned earlier, lime has a lot of benefits. The benefits of lime for humans, caused by the nutrient content in the lime are also very much. You would want to know what content is contained in lime is not it?
Vitamins in Lime
Like other citrus families, lime has a high vitamin C content. Besides vitamin C there are also some other vitamins such as vitamin B1, B3, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are very numerous in one lemon fruit.
In one lemon fruit, contained vitamin C as much as approximately 30.7 mg. This amount represents one-third the daily amount of human vitamin C requirement. So in other words, just by eating 3 lime fruit, your vitamin C needs will be met. Vitamin C is also one of the vitamins with many benefits. These benefits are then added to the long list of benefits of lime.
Mineral content in Lime
In addition to vitamins, there is also a mineral content high enough in one lemon fruit. These minerals include calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All three are included in the minerals that are essential to support the daily workings of the body. Therefore, the consumption of lime becomes very important for human health.
The benefits of lime
1. Curing Uric Acid Disease
Lime contains citric acid which is able to dissolve gout. That is why, lime is very well consumed by people with uric acid. Consumption of lime for people with uric acid, done by drinking lime juice twice a day. Get used to eat it in the morning and afternoon.
While dissolving gout, lime juice is also able to dissolve other types of toxins. So the consumption of lemon juice regularly, can free the body of all toxins and make it fresh again also healthy.
2. Increase Body Resistance
Vitamin C is a vitamin that has an important role in the human immune system. Adequate consumption of vitamin C can help prevent diseases that infect humans. Lime has a very high vitamin C content. That is the reason why the immune system increases with consumption of lime.
The content of lime in the form of flavonoids will also help the body to kill and destroy the viruses that may infect the body. So it can be concluded that lime is very useful to increase endurance.
3. Balancing the pH of the Human Body
PH is the level of acidity in the human body. A healthy body condition is a non-acidic base. Unfortunately, the majority of foods consumed by humans tend to trigger non-alkaline sour taste. These foods include rice, meat, coffee, and bread. Consuming many foods that trigger the level of acidity, should be neutralized by eating vegetables and fruits. Therefore, lime that contains high citric acid is well consumed to balance the pH of the human body.
4. Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a disease most feared by society today. The effects are very dangerous even can cause death, increasing the fear of people affected by cancer. Gynecology in lime was able to prevent cancer.
The content is liminoid. Liminoids are able to prevent the work of free radicals and thereby prevent the occurrence of cancer infecting the human body.
5. Heal the Cough
Of course you are familiar with the benefits of lime to cure cough illness. Cough is a disease that is very disturbing condition of your throat. From now on, if you have cough problems, simply consume lime juice mixed with honey and salt. Consumption routinely twice a day. If the cough has subsided, then consumption can be stopped.
6. Eliminating Acne and Acne Scars
In terms of beauty, the first lime benefits are in removing acne and scars. Lime content rich in vitamins make it easy to remove acne or scars. Use lime juice and apply on acne or acne scars. Then you will find your skin beautiful without acne disorders anymore.
7. Prevent Premature Aging
Another benefit of lime in beauty is to prevent young aging. With regular use of lemon juice on the face, wrinkles can be prevented face. Skin looks more healthy and fresh not dull.
8. Assist Diet Program (Weight Loss)
The content of dietary fiber and its high vitamin makes the consumption of lime to be a dream in the diet program. Consumption of lime can be done by becoming a mandatory drink in your diet. Eat one glass of hot lemon every morning and keep your feeding needs in check. So you will get your ideal weight back.

Thus explanation about the benefits of lime for health and beauty, may be useful.
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