
Many Benefit Of White Tea

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White Tea ... Surely you're wondering what is white tea? Because most of the public knows that's just plain tea is brown or green tea but others don't know green tea. Let us know what is white tea, white tea is the rarest type of tea is at once the most expensive in the world, which was originally only consumed by the Emperor of China and a member of the Palace since the era of the Tang dynasty (618-907). White tea is made only from the best buds (Supreme Grade) or the branch and the two youngest tea leaves (High Grade) varieties of Camellia Sinensis, which is grown in the high mountains in Fuji an province (China), as the place of origin of the first white tea (Original) and the best in the world.
White tea is drunk only by the nobility of the Kingdom in various corners of the world. China is to begin with the Kingdom of Tang dynasty white teas for the Emperor and members of the Kingdom until it was concluded that white tea belongs to the type of tea that is rare and reserved only for nobility only. Well, this is what makes Interestingly white tea certainly has a lot of benefits so special in the eyes of the Kingdom.

White tea was first produced from the Chinese by just taking the youngest tea leaves and is harvested before the shoot's actually already in bloom. White tea is produced from the China mainland Fuji an mountains planted at the place of origin as white tea quality is the best in the world. Please also note that the so called white tea leaves are plucked buds because any still covered like a white hair smooth.
White tea with the best quality quoted in just two days (Supreme Grade) for up to two weeks (High Grade) each year in early spring, when buds tea leaves have not been opened and is still enveloped in delicate feathers are white. White tea of processing for ready consumption it fast enough and are not subjected to a process that is too long. Of the process that is not too long to make the content of antioxidant polyphenols and catechizes highest, higher than green tea or black tea. A nickname for white tea it is commonly referred to as the dewinya tea.
White tea has lots of benefits already scrutinized by academics and environmental health lab. The benefits that arise from the high antioxidant content of folifenol much-needed by the human body. The benefits of white tea for health: 1. Strengthen the immune system and premature aging Prevent cardiovascular disease. 2. Prevent hardening/constriction of the blood vessels, reducing the chances of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. 3. To prevent blockage of blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent developing coronary heart disease. 4. Can refresh and deadly germs that cause the smell of breath in mouth, keep the tooth in order not easily perforated and can kill bacteria. 5. Folifenol contained in white tea helps to remove the toxins in the body and anti radiation. 6. Can it be prevent from damage to the brain and prevent from senility. 7. There are antioxidants in white tea could avoid developing cancer that can be settled at any time. 8. White tea helps to reduce stress levels and increased the stamina of the body. 9. Lower cholesterol: the antioxidant catechize in white tea can lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. 10. Protect your heart: white tea may protect the heart and entire circulatory system. It also can lower blood sugar levels, as well as preventing and reducing the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. That's how the benefits contained in the white tea is safe for consumption. And in the world of health it that white tea is recommended to be drunk as a traditional medicine that is already no doubt improved. A great many benefits of white tea so you have to try it for your health and drink it healthy every day because its expensive price is not worth the price of white tea. Good luck.
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