You may experience swelling of the legs due to a sprained ankle, or on the hand swelling due to injury while trying to lift heavy loads. This kind of injury is very often the case, even though we've been careful.
Often times after injury appears the pain and swelling in the affected body part, complete with the distinctive sign of redness in the skin. This indicates that the body is being injured by inflammatory cause responds to protect and restore it.
However, the swelling can extend and aggravate the pain, even also can trigger complications of other health problems. You can prevent it with emergency treatment. The following are some natural therapies as swollen legs or hands due to injury.
1. Compress with cold water
During the 72 hours after the first injury, one of the best ways to reduce swelling is to apply a cold compress. Cold temperatures can reduce the pain as it will cause numbness in the nerves, and is also useful to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Here's how: Put a few boxes of ice cubes into a thin towel.
put cold compresses from the towel into the injured parts of the body for 10 minutes.
Repeat every 3 or 4 hours.
Note: do not attach the ice cube directly to the skin, as it can damage the skin or even cause frostbite. In addition, therapeutic ice cubes is not a suitable way for the injury is chronic (long-standing).
2. Is appointed
A bad circulatory problem is one of the main causes of the extended swelling in the feet or hands due to injury. Lift up Your hands or feet injured up to his position on the chest to reduce the swelling.
This way you can improve the blood circulation to the body, so that it can relieve complaints such as swelling, inflammation, and pain. In addition, this way you will also speed up the healing.
If the hands are swollen, sit on the couch and put some pillows on the armrest, and put your hands on it.
To maintain the position of the hands or feet remained elevated during sleep, and put some pillows under it.
If felt necessary, use a cloth which is associated to the top to keep the position of the hand or the foot still raised.
3. Wrap the bandage
How to wrap a part of other injuries can also reduce swelling. This way you maintain stability and prevent a buildup of fluid in the body, so piece eventually will reduce the pain and swelling.
Here's how: To wrap an elastic bandage, use specific to wrap the injury.
Bandage wraps with pressure equally around the injured part.
Continue to wraps all day until an injury to swelling decreasing.
Remove the gauze bandage at night before going to bed.
Note: do not wrap the bandage is too harsh because it would impede the blood circulation to the body parts and be aggravating the injury.
4. Break
To speed up the healing process of injuries, you have to rest the body parts as much as possible during the first 24 to 72 hours (1 to 3 days). The full break is swollen feet drugs or hand swollen because it gives time for the injured tissue to repair itself.
If legs or ankles swollen rod, consider using the crutches.
If part of a swollen hand, use your other hand is healthy to perform various tasks.
5. Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt is a good swelling remedy to reduce swelling and pain after getting hurt. Epsom is made of magnesium sulfate which can improve the blood circulation and relaxes muscles that are tense. You can use this therapy within 48 hours after an injury occurs.
Here's how: Combine 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt into 1 small basin filled with warm water. Enter a swollen body parts into it for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as much as 3 times a week.
To deal with injury-injury, for example at the shoulders or thighs, you can enter the Epsom Salt to the water to take a shower. Combine � Cup of Epsom Salt into the tub of water warm. The bus you soak in it for 15 minutes and repeat 2 times a week.
6. Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar is the choice of medications next swollen feet because it has anti-inflammatory capabilities, as well as the nature of alkalizing which helps relieve the pain and swelling. In addition, the content of potassium, calcium, and other essential minerals in it works also reduces pain and inflammation.
Here's how: combine the vinegar and water in equal measure. Warm in the microwave, then dip the towel into it. Injured areas of the body wrap with a towel and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat twice a day.
Alternatively, mix 1-2 tablespoons raw apple vinegar that has not been filtered with a glass of warm water, add a little bit of pure honey, and drink this concoction 2 times a day.
7. Massage with Warm Oils
Massaging is another good way to cope with the swelling of the legs or hands. A gentle massage helps relax tense muscles and reduce swelling. The blood circulation also so much more smoothly and prevent a buildup of fluid in the area of the injury.
Here's how: Warm a little olive oil in the microwave.
Apply the warm oil into the parts of the body to injury.
Massage gently for 5 minutes, and leave for a few hours before washing it.
Do this several times a day.
Note: do not do it this way if a massage and even cause pain.
8. Turmeric
Turmeric is a great natural swelling remedy to reduce swelling and pain. The content of Curcumin in it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Here's how: Combine 2 tablespoons turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, then stir into the pasta.
Apply this paste all over the swollen portion and allow it to dry out. Afterwards clean with warm water.
Repeat the above steps 2 or 3 times a day until the swelling and the pain is gone.
Alternatively, enter 1 tablespoon turmeric powder into 1 � cups milk. Heat at a low temperature until golden. Add a bit of pure honey and drink 2 times a day to speed up the recovery.
9. Ginger
Ginger is swollen feet drugs another useful to overcome the pain and swelling due to the minor injuries. Compounds in it called gingerol has the ability as well as anti-inflammatory pain reliever. These compounds can also improve blood circulation.
Here's how: Enter 1 tablespoon sliced ginger into 2 glasses of water are cooked. Leave on for 10 minutes. Strain, and add a bit of pure honey and drink while still warm. Drink herb tea of ginger it 2 or 3 times a day.
Alternatively, you can use ginger oil for massaging the injured part slowly. Mix a few drops of ginger oil with two tablespoons of olive oil, then apply it to the skin and gently massage-massage.
In addition to performing ways overcome swelling above, you also need to devise some other things. Make sure you're drinking enough water to help the process of recovery from an injury. To prevent the injury continued in the ankle or foot, make sure to warm up first before any sports or in daily activities.
Use comfortable shoes and take care when walking in order not to easily fall or sprain. If Your balance is less, we recommend that you avoid the use of high heels. And notice when swollen hands or feet failed to improve, see a doctor immediately to be tackled further.