Watermelon have many benefits for health and beauty-Watermelon is one of the fruits that have a very high water content. No wonder if this fruit is often made into snack menu when there are events, in addition to cheap fruit is also easily obtained in great numbers.
Watermelon can be found very easily. Behind it all turns out watermelon fruit benefits are very good, both for health and beauty. This time the admintry to want to review what the benefits of Watermelon Fruit For health and beauty as well as his nutritional Content. did you know, based on its origins, watermelon fruit known as originally from the region of half desert in South Africa. Still have a kinship with the cucumber and melon. Watermelon plants that propagate or spread, and can spread to a dozen meters. The meat of the fruit there is red or yellow.

The content of nutrients in watermelon
- Carbohydrates
- Zinc
- Potassium
- Phosphorus
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Calcium
- Vitamin C
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9
- Vitamin A
- Protein
Watermelon's benefits for health and beauty
Based on the data content of nutrients and a lot of the research that has been done, the fruit of semangkadiketahui has a myriad of benefits. And some amazing benefits which can be obtained by consuming watermelon is:
- Can lower cholesterol levels
- Help lower fever
- Prevent the occurrence of premature aging
- Healthy and prevent heart attack
- Prevent and cure canker sores
- Helps cleanse the kidneys
- Improve eye health
- Treating type 2 diabetes
- Removing the intestinal worms
- Cope with a bladder infection
- Prevent cancer
- Can increase the libido of men
- Prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure and stroke