
The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body

The dangers of salty foods for the health of the body is still less understood by most people. All cuisines will indeed feels delicious if given salt and as powerful as any cuisine if without salt will taste bland. Indeed a very salty foods increase appetite we Moreover snacks-the salty snacksmore delicious and feels more savory. No wonder salt is a thing that can not be separated from the dishes.

This time a lot of people who love food or snacks that taste salty, but knowthat the food is too salty, not good for the health of our body. Indeed all overload it is not good as it does consume salt if overload is also not good for the health of our body.

The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body

In the human body does require salt that has iodine content. According to a study stating that the iodine in salt can prevent goitre. Every human bodyrequires iodized salt intake every day about 1 g for adults and less than 1 gram for children. But in fact now many good people children up to adults who love to consume salty foods or contain a lot of salt because it tasted more delicious and savory.

Salt makes the saltiness that exceeded the normal limit will impact less good for the health of the human body, especially if taken continuously every day. If you liked the saltiness and tau will impact poor may start learning now will reduce the habit of consuming salty foods are slowly but surely.

The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body

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The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body

here are some of the dangers or negative effects for the health ofthe human body from consuming excessive salty foods continuously.


Obesity is excess weight that is one of the main causes is fond of consuming salty foods. This is because the salty foods will memjadikan the appetite is likely to be higher, it also causes a thirst so that the body will consume plenty of fluids. If the consumed mineral water or plain water can reduce the risk of obesity, however if the drink sweet beverages will cause high body afflicted by obesity where obesity can lead to the risk of a variety of chronic diseases that could harm the body.

Stomach Cancer

Familiarize  salty foods can cause stomach cancer. This is due to the presence of bacteria growth h. pylori in the gut and stomach also increases.The bacteria is a bacteria causes stomach cancer and ulcers on the stomach. In addition buildup of salts in the colon will lead to perkembangnya bacteria and damage the cells in the stomach.

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The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body


Hypertension or high blood pressure can also be triggered due to consuming too much salty foods. Salt levels will cause the blood pressure to be higher and larger so the risk of high blood pressure. We recommend that if you have high blood pressure better immediately reduce your intake of salty foods-salty and balanced with enough sports and healthy life patterns.

Coronary Heart Attack

Coronary heart attacks is the blood supply that is in the heart of the stalleddue to clogged so that organ the heart not capable of pumping blood to all organs in the body. This disease is quite dangerous because it can lead tosomeone experiencing sudden death without any symptoms or signs of any kind. Yuuk learn healthy life and care about your heart


Diabetes or often called diseases of sugar can also be triggered by many consume salty foods. Usually people who love to eat salty will be thirsty and drinking sweet drinks and that is what causes the onset of diabetes. High sugar levels in the blood due to weak pancreatic insulin production so weakened that make diabetes worse. Diabetes itself is one disease that is quite dangerous.



The Dangers Of Salty Foods For The Health Of The Body

Asthma also triggered because often consume salty foods especially in children. A lot of kids who love food or snack that tastes salty. Salty foods will cause the onset of allergies and make sufferers experiencing shortness of breath. Thus better reduce give salty foods to children.

That's the danger of salty foods for the health of the body that we need to know, having read and understood the dangers of salty foods above at least we are more cautious in consuming food and reduce the salty foods
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