
Compact powder or loose powder ? What must I choose ?

How To Choose Face Powder  


            For women , powder is the most important as the basis of makeup, in society there are two types of powder are often used by women that is compact powder and loose powder. Actually what is the difference between the compact powder and loose powder ? The difference is that the composition and texture is so, the automatic function is also different right .. compact powder was a powder that were pressed and were given another formula such as moisturizer to hydrate the skin. Then why do I make a title like the above? because often  I always get question like "what is the powder compact powder huh?" "is the same solid powder blushes nice it what is it?" "I want to buy this powder is then ya I select the number BRP huh?" maybe there are still many who are confused ya have to choose which powder is suitable for you, and maybe there are still many other questions. 
              In this occasion I am going to answer some questions that are frequently asked to me, namely, 
1. Question 1 "Is I had to choose the solid powder is what it?"
            wondering if anyone is definitely going nanya I had him. Your skin type how? oily or dry? then you make everyday-life or create an event specific event?
nah, it's important nih you perhatiin
  First, first identify your face skin type, oily or dry, for the treatment of any skin type is different
for oily skin types I suggest wearing a powder wrote, why? as a powder that has the oil absorption capacity is very high, so that usually oily your face can be saved to use this powder. 
for dry skin, I suggest wearing solid powder, why? because in the solid powder that contains a moisturizer to hydrate the skin.
  Second, you are useful for the occasion?
The texture of solid powder can stick in the long term, so it is suitable to wear to certain events. However, the solid powder formula is more severe, usually not compatible with some types of skin. and consequently it becomes spotty.
Meanwhile, the powder has a lighter texture, and can reduce oil production in the face so it does not look shiny. Unfortunately the powder is more easily washed out by sweat.
  Third, always be taken or not?
compact powder or compact powder, you can bring this powder everywhere because containers are more practical, equipped with glass and sponge. Meanwhile, the powder is packed in a larger container, making it difficult to carry everywhere and form a powder often spilled if not sealed properly and can stain clothing or the place that used to carry the powder.

 2. Question 2 "Is a powder or solid brand what is good?"
            Good or bad depends powder together wearing, why? Because skin types disparate people, not necessarily the powder was good in me then good also in you. So weve should be tried first tried let me know which one fits. I have not found that was really good on my face.

3. Question 3 "Is I want to buy powder ya, how ya select a suitable number?"
          Tips wrote for you, if I usually nyari powder color is that one level or two levels brighter than skin color I am, if you use colors terlalau dark hasilya your face nggk looks pretty even looks more black and more dull, then if you choose too bright later it felt like wearing a mask. So, should was really careful in choosing colors.

Already know right now how to choose a powder that is suitable for you, so if you feel that your current powder is less suitable, immediately replaced ya guys .. choose a powder that suits your skin can get out of your beauty agaar maximum.

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