Hi, who is still spotty? do not be sad I have tips to overcome your acne. Certainly do not need to spend a lot of money and guaranteed safe in the face because it uses natural ingredients is aloe vera. Aloe vera plant that has many benefits in addition to nourish the hair of the head, aloe vera is also good for your face. The first is a function of aloe vera to moisturize your skin, so for those who have dry skin this mask is perfect, mucilage of aloe contains an antimicrobial agent that can eliminate bacteria on the face, especially bacteria that cause acne, not only that aloe vera can also delay aging. if you want to look younger and not easily wrinkled wear a mask of aloe vera from now.
Next I will give a tutorial on how to make a mask of aloe vera, First prepare the necessary materials and equipment.
Materials and tools
1. sense of aloe vera that has been cut and cleaned
2. lime
3. Spoon
4. Knives
5. bowl
1. Take aloe vera that has been cut into pieces and then remove thorns aloe vera
Next I will give a tutorial on how to make a mask of aloe vera, First prepare the necessary materials and equipment.
Materials and tools
1. sense of aloe vera that has been cut and cleaned
2. lime
3. Spoon
4. Knives
5. bowl
1. Take aloe vera that has been cut into pieces and then remove thorns aloe vera
2. Cut the center of the aloe vera to divide it into two
3. Take mucus aloe vera with a spoon.
4. Add lemon to mucus aloe vera. Lime function here to eliminate the unpleasant aroma.
5. The mask of aloe finished, apply all over the face. Then wait until dry about 15 minutes after it is rinsed with clean water.
This is a way to create a mask of aloe vera are very cheap. You can plant aloe vera alone in front of the house so no need to buy, cheap, right? Perform routine at least 2 times in 1 week