
Diabetes Threat For Youths

Diabetes Threat For Youths 

Every year, the number of diabetics in Indonesia is increasing Indonesia ranks seventh highest diabetes prevalence in the world. The most important issue now is diabetes already attacking those who are young and productive. Early detection by checking blood sugar levels regularly is an act that should be done from now on. Diabetes can affect anyone, so early detection is a right thing. Early detection can be done halted 20s with medical check-ups. Moreover, if in the kelaurga there is a history of diabetes, then it must be aware as early as possible.
Society often do not realize that there is so much sugar they consume in their daily diet. Limitation of sugar consumption is just 50 grams or 4 tablespoons per day, even this has included sugar obtained from natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and milk and not just sugar.
Diabetes including chronic diseases and will suffer a lifetime, as well as drug costs would be a burden to live forever, and therefore it is important to know the symptoms of diabetes since the beginning. The initial symptoms are common in people with diabetes is fast meras hungry, want to eat continuously and frequent urination. To menceagah diabetes need to implement a healthy lifestyle is to always eat healthy food, adequate rest, avoid stress and exercise regularly.
Diabetes can not be cured but can be controlled, it can slow down the process of decay are more detrimental is,
1.       Perform a check-up every 2-3 months
The goal is to monitor the event of complications and monitor how the blood sugar levels are constantly increasing or not.
2.       Applying eating well
Do not eat foods that contain carbohydrates, so that blood sugar can be controlled. If you find it difficult untu regulate the types of food eaten bis consult a nutritionist.
3.       Eat a drug that has given the doctor regularly
Drugs given by doctors is medication to control diabetes so it should be taken regularly, if consumed regularly will cause diabetes becomes more severe.
4.       Sports regularly
Do exercise in accordance with the age, the elderly do light exercise.

Now already know how the dangers of diabetes, and therefore apply a healthy lifestyle from now and limit your sugar intake. 

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