
What is Dermatitis? How is the Symptoms?

What is Dermatitis ? How is the Symptoms?

Eczema or dermatitis is the medical term for a skin disorder where the skin looks inflamed and irritated.
Common Causes:
       dryness of the skin
       irritation by soap, detergent, fabric softener, and other chemicals
       Creating the conditions are too warm for the child, for example, wrapping the child with layered clothing
       Allergy or intolerance to certain foods
       Allergy to dust mites, pollen or animal fur
       Viruses and other infections
       Travel to countries with different climates
Common Symptoms and Signs
       There are signs of infection
       Exposed skin, inflamed or very red with burning or heat around the infected area
1.        The rash spread and cause discomfort lasting more than 3 weeks
2.        Incurred vesicles (small bumps containing clear fluid).
3.        There is a white flaky parts diarea stretcher, or extremely peel.
4.        The skin becomes very dry, hard and rigid.
1.       Dermatitis atopic
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammation of the upper layers of the skin that can cause itching, often occurs in patients with allergic rhinitis or asthma sufferers in people whose family members is suffering from allergic rhinitis or asthma.
       Have allergies
       Stress emotional
       Changes in temperature or humidity
       Skin infections by bacteria
       Contact with fabrics that are irritants (especially wool)
Symptoms and signs
       Atopic dermatitis sometimes occurs in the first few months after the baby lahir.Pada the face, scalp, diaper-covered regions, hand, arm, foot or leg-shaped baby rash scab red and watery.
       In children and adults, the rash often occur and recur only at one or a few regions, especially the upper arm, elbow lutut.Warna the front or rear, intensity and location of the rash varies, but always cause itching.
       Itching often causes scratching and rubbing that could tear the skin
       People with long-term atopic dermatitis have cataracts by the age of 20-30 years.

2.        Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is an inflammation caused by contact with a particular substance, limited rash often have strict limits.
a.        Irritant contact dermatitis
       Soap is very tender
       Detergent and certain metals can meniritasi skin after some time it is used
       Some may repeated exposure can cause dryness and irritation of the skin
       In a few minutes, skin irritants (eg, acid, alkali and some organic solvents) can cause changes in the skin.
Clinical symptoms that occur vary depending on the nature of the irritant. Gave a strong irritant acute symptoms, being weak irritant give chronic symptoms. In addition, because of individual factors and environmental factors.
Classical inflammation in the site of contact on the skin erythema, edema, heat, pain when a strong irritant.
b.       Allergic contact dermatitis
Appears when skin is exposed to a substance that causes the immune system reacts abnormally and invade healthy cells and tissues of the body that causes the skin to become inflamed and painful
       Cosmetics: nail polish, nail polish remover, deodorn, moisturizer, lotion after shaving, perfume.
       The chemical compound (in jewelery): nickel
       Plants: poison ivy (ivy), a type of wild grass
       The chemicals used in the processing of clothing.

Symptoms and Signs
       The clinical symptoms usually itchy. In the acute symptoms of contact dermatitis is characterized by erythematous patches clearly bounded followed edema, papulovesikel, vesicles or bullae. Vesicles or bullae can rupture causing erosion and exudation (wet). In contact dermatitis, a chronic skin looks dry, scaly, papules, lichenification and possibly fissures, the limit is not clear. DKA can spread to other places, for example by means of autosensitisasi.
       Various locations occurrence of DKA: hands, arms, face, ears, neck, trunk, genitals, thigh and lower leg. 

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