
Why must IMD ? (Early Initiation of Breastfeeding)

Do not miss the IMD (Early Initiation of Breastfeeding)

Breastfeeding provides many benefits for the baby and mother. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) is the beginning of a mother breastfeeding her baby as soon as he is born into the world of one hour after birth, at this time the baby will get colostrum (anti-body for a baby) is very high. 
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) can prevent 22% of deaths in infants under 28 months of age in developing countries including Indonesia. IMD when a baby aged 2 to 24 hours after birth can prevent the death of a baby under the age of 28 days. While doing IMD put the baby on the mother's abdomen (if sectio, the baby is put on the chest) and dry the baby starts from the face, head and other body parts, the baby will then reach its mother's nipple itself by relying on the sense of smell and are guided by the smell on the second tanngannya. The baby will lift his head, started to suck the nipple and began to suckle. 

Why IMD so important?
1. Preventing infant deaths due to hypothermia. The mother's chest serves as a regulator of body temperature to prevent the risk of hypothermia and warm the baby.
2. Contact your baby's skin with the mother increase the bond of love between mother and baby. skin contact within the first 1-2 hours is very important, because after that the baby will sleep.
3. The concentration of colostrum is high in protein and immunoglobulin antibodies, which have a protective effect in infants up to the age of the first 6 months of life. The concentration of immunoglobulin A (IgA), IgG, IgM contained in colostrum production will decline in the next days. This substance will form the body's resistance to infection and important for the growth of the intestine, where the colostrum will form a coating that protects and maturing the baby's gut wall. This helps prevent babies experiencing infections, allergies, and other food intolerance.
4. If the IMD's too late to do so supplementation prelacteal food liquids at the baby from an early age can not be avoided. Consequently the possibility of babies are susceptible to diarrhea, as one of the causes of infant mortality.

Already know right now why the mothers and prospective mothers should do the IMD, do not miss the IMD yes bun .. easy to do but it has great benefits.
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