Causes of Acne can Grow in Your Face
Hi guys, how are you? , Already once weekly I do not write again, because there are loads of homework. Just a few days i did not write there are alot of my friends that asking for my new article , "where is your new article?" so this time I want post a request of my friend for writing about "how you can get you acne?" if you want to know , keep on reading guys :)
First, I want to tell you what is acne? Acne is a skin disease caused by inflammation of the pores. This inflammation is caused by dirt clogging the oil and then invite the bacteria that cause infection. This form of acne is generally like a small boil that size can vary greatly from one person to another. Acne is of course very disturbing appearance of a person, especially if the acne is still new will surely feel uncomfortable.
what is the cause of acne?
what is the cause of acne?
The cause of acne is the blockage of the pores in the form of dust or cosmetics that are not cleaned properly. Remember, when you're finished using makeup immediately cleaned so that the pores are not clogged continuously. The use of cosmetics that do not fit with the skin can also clog pores and cause acne. You must be careful in choosing cosmetics , you must thinking first before buy it and you should check the agreement of these cosmetics if it passed the test or not. Having a sensitiv face, too often eating greasy foods and rarely clean face can also cause acne. For those of you who have sensitive facial avoid eating food that is oily and diligent in cleaning face. Besides acne also arise due to unstable hormone. Unstable hormone normally occur when going to menstruation, so do not be surprised if when you would or menstruation will be some acne on the face. It is generally experienced by teenagers who were in puberty. Therefore, the teens have more frequent cleaning faces and doing facials properly so as not attacked by acne.
Now you are already know how acne can appear on your face, try self-correction and remember what part do you often causing acne in the your face .but you already know try to correct his mistake, I belive you will not get your acne again
Thank you