
20 Years old can still high? Are you sure?

20 Years Old Can Still High ? Are you sure?

           Has the ideal height is the dream of everyone. Many people who feel inferior because has a height that does not fit what they want. By having the ideal height can increase one's confidence. When we see beautiful models like Indah Kalalo, Nadia Hutagalung we definitely feel jealous because of her height . The right time to increase your height is  when we in the junior high school and senior high school. In that time  our body is on the growing time According to data from the Indonesian statistics agency, the average hight of female body in Indonesia is 155-165 cm.
         Is very interesting if you have an ideal height. Height can be affected by  genetic factors. Parents who have the ideal height unlock the potential to have child with ideal height too. However, Beside the genetic factors , nutrients also can affected your  height . Get used to eat and drink nutritious beverages that can increase bone growth. Eat foods that contain lots of calcium, vit. D, iron and zinc in order to get the ideal height.
            So how about you that now in 20-year-old? Is it still can be high?
The answer is they can, But your grow will not be as fast as when you are still under 18 years old. Why? Because when the age we are already more than 20 years the growing  hormone will decrease the production , so it will decreasing our body to grow .
            Well, it means that for those of you who are in 20 years old but still want to raise the height to be helped by therapy supplements that not only provide nutrients for your bone, but also can increase growing hormone again. But must be careful in choosing your supplements .. make consultation with the docter first .

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