Read this and you will like Potatoes
This food is The one of the most suitable foods that can we eat when we enjoying and relaxing in the afternoon, or when we was watching tv.
Potatoes are very suitable for us its a great meal for you. Did you know that in addition to edible, potatoes can also be used as for face mask ? We will discuss it here.
The benefit of potatoes for our health
1. Potatoes can prevent cancer. vitamin B6 in potatoes is effective against the formation of tumors in the body that can trigger cancer. The kind of cancer is prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women. Consuming potatoes will prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
2. Potatoes can reduce cholesterol levels, it is derived from the content that is pretty much potassium in potatoes. potassium can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.
3. Potatoes are also able to maintain healthy bones, the iron content contained in the potato really help the growth and overall bone health. Iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc that contain in potatoes are the perfect combination to build the structure and strength of bone.
4. Potatoes that is able to maintain a healthy heart. There are many nutrients contained in a potato soup that can support a healthy heart performance. Fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, B6 danvit is a nutrient found in potatoes. Potatoes also contain no cholesterol, which is very good for the heart.
5. Potatoes can decrease high blood pressure. Potassium in the potatoes is useful to maintain a person's blood tekaan, and were also able to be used to maintain the acid-base body.
Benefits potato for skins
1. Potatoes is able to prevent aging.
nutrient content in potatoes makes it suitable to serve as an anti-wrinkle treatment, and eliminate the black lines on the face.
2. Potatoes can nourish the hair.
3. Prevent your hair to be grey.
4. Prevent hair fall.
5. Potatoes can brighten the skin.
By making potatoes to be used as a mask, potato able to make your face becomes fresher and healthier.