The Benefit of Turmeric Milk
Turmeric is a kind of spice ,the characteristic is has a yellow color, Turmeric can cure some desease it also be used to treat or prevent cancer that has been approved by nutritionists .Since ancient times turmeric used by Asian people to cope with difficult children eat. Turmeric, it is also able to increase the appetite for a child , by mixing turmeric with honey makes the taste more better for children. Turmeric has been used from the time of our ancestors , not only for health, but can also be used for beauty.
Turmeric milk is a traditional drink that originated from India, the benefits can be used for beauty, to the health of the body. For health turmeric milk can be used to treat sore throats, indigestion, diarrhea, menstruation period , and headache.
You can drink these beverages before bed, we felt the effects directly biased if we consume it continuesly.While for beauty already exists a research journal tecnology of cosmetics to conduct a study in India, Based on the research results turned out turmeric can help the skin to recover damage from ultraviolet radiation.
Turmeric milk is rich in antioxidants that can ward off free radicals and prevent skin damage. Turmeric is one of the herbal foods, foods that contain lots of flektokimia which have antioxidant effects and antiflakmsi. The content typical of turmeric is curcumin and kulatin oil or atsiri oil. These substances have antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory or anti paradangan.
When turmeric mixed with milk that is already rich in protein, it has a good protective effect on our bodies, so that turmeric-called functional food, foods that have properties add value to health.
Values ??that most affect health when consuming turmeric mixed with milk is the first one he could overcome the complaints of the colon, or large bowel disorders.
Saffron consume in large quantities until now there has been no evidence that the side effects with records in pengelolahannya should be in a natural way without any additional other substances.
How to make saffron milk is easy, requiring only approximately 2 cm fresh turmeric, one glass of fresh milk, or can you replace them with soy milk.
To make the saffron milk,
1.Peel and clean turmeric , and grated turmeric.
2.Heat the milk into the pan.
3.Mix the grated turmeric with milk and let it heat but do not boil.
4. Enter coconut oil, then you can turn off the fire if it is hot.
5. If you want more smooth, you can strain it before serving.
6. You can Add honey if you want more sweet.