
How to overcome food poisoning

Food poisoning is a condition that arises due to consume food that has been contaminated by infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Contamination can occur when food is being processed or cooked incorrectly. The contamination often occurs in the case of food poisoning caused by:
1. the bacteria Campylobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia coli (e. coli), Listeria, Clostridium botulinum (botulinum) and Shigella.
2. Norovirus and rotavirus.
3. Parasite Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, and Giardia.

The following are some examples of foods that are easily contaminated if not handled with the stored, or processed properly.

1. Raw meat

2. Milk
3. Fast food, such as meat pieces cooked, soft cheese, bread and package contents.
4. Food in cans
5. A raw egg.
6. Shellfish and raw seafood

The Symptoms Of Food Poisoning

The symptoms of food poisoning can begin some time after eating up to three daysafter consuming contaminated food. Symptoms generally occur include:
1. Feel nausea and vomiting.
2. Diarrhea.
3. Pain or stomach cramps.

The Cause Of The Food Poisoning

Here are some things that can cause the onset of food poisoning:

1. Do not store foods in the right temperature, for exampleis not stored in the refrigerator, especially meat products and processed dairy products.
2. Do not cook food evenly, especially poultry, burgers, and sausages.
3. Leave the food cooked in the room with warm temperatures for too long.
4. Consuming foods that had passed the time has expired.
5. Cross-Contamination, such as wearing raw meat cutter knife to slice bread or storing raw meat on top of food ready to eat so the juices of the meat was dripping onto foods below.
6. Use a cutting board that is not washed prior to use, especially after cutting raw meat.
7. The sick or with dirty hands touching food.

Treatment Of Food Poisoning

In most cases, food poisoning does not require special treatment. To relieve symptoms that occur, you can rest to taste and drink plenty of fluids because if it is dehydrated, then the symptoms that occur will be severe and the recovery time will be longer.
Vulnerable people dehydrated oral rehydration fluids should be given (ORS). ORS function replace glucose, salts, and other important minerals lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. For a while, we recommend that you avoid the regular food to feel better.You can consume easily digestible foods such as porridge.

Here's some related food poisoning symptoms that require you to get treatment:
1. You are experiencing a high fever.
2. Symptom experienced very severe and not improved for up to several days.
3. Abdominal pain was great.
4. Experience symptoms of severe dehydration, for example urine smells awful, dark, and very little.
5. Your baby experiencing food poisoning.
6. Occurring outbreaks of food poisoning and related to the particular source of contamination.
7. Experience vomiting more than two days.
8. Diarrhea that lasts more than three days or the stool mixed with blood.
9. Experience symptoms such as blurry sight, muscle weakness, or sensation of tingling in the hand.

Food poisoning also can give severe effects, especially in people with a weak immune system. Among them are diabetics, kidney failure, heart failure, HIV, cancer, those aged above 65 years old, and a baby.


Food poisoning can be prevented through clean living and getting used to process the food hygienically, both in terms of storage, handling, and preparation. Be sure to not consuming food that already has expired and follow the instructions on the food packaging. Do not refer to the appearance and aroma of food to determine food health. Avoid buying food and drinks from the place clean is not guaranteed.

People who experience food poisoning should not prepare or cultivate food for others. They also need to keep a distance from the elderly and children. It is recommended not to attend school or work until two days after the diarrhea has subsided.

If you live with people who suffered food poisoning, things you need to do is:
1. Hand washing with SOAP and warm water on a regular basis.
2. Do not share the use of the goods with them.
3. Clean toilet parts are often held on a regular basis.

Clean up

Harmful bacteria and viruses can be prevented by living a life of hygienic and cleaning all equipment and surfaces. Be sure to clean your hands with SOAP after the toilet, before preparing food, after holding a raw food, after holding a pet, after replacing the diaper and after touching the bin.


So that harmful bacteria are dead, it is very important to cook the foods until cooked thoroughly, especially meat and seafood dishes. Most of the meat can be served half-cooked as long as the outside is ripe. When warm the food, be sure to boil evenly and do not heat up the food more than once.


Check your food storage instructions on the packaging to find out the right temperature. This is done to prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria. If food must be refrigerated, make sure the temperature of the refrigerator reaches the 0-5 degrees Celsius. If left at room temperature, bacteria can grow and multiply. Leftovers should be refrigerated quickly, at least two hours after consumption.


The following are some of the ways that we can do to prevent the occurrence of cross-contamination:
1. Wash hands after holding a raw food.
2. Save raw meat at the very bottom of the refrigerator to keep it from dripping onto other foods.
3. Wash cutting boards each before or finished cutting food (especially when you're done cutting raw meat). Do not use a cutting board to unite two different food types, except interspersed with wash it first.
4. Clean knives and other equipment once used for raw foods

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