
Eating More at 8 pm Can Make Fat ?

Eating More at 8 pm Can Make Fat ?

Eating is a habit that is very important for the health . Try imagine if we did not eat at a time. In addition to appearing hunger, your body will feel limp

But whether you know, it was dinner time when that is more soluble very dangerous to our health?

Fact or myth that eating the above hours at 8 pm can make us fat?
The principle of the meal should eat 3 hours before sleeping, so if there are people eating more, from 8 pm she slept, eg he eats at 9 while he slept 10 hours, then it can lead to obesity.
Obesity is due to the energy used when he ate no more, straight to bed him. When that happens the  sleep basal etabolic rate (burning speed metabolism at rest or sleep) that very little energy. So eat it should be done 3 hours before bedtime, so what? So after eating still doing activity, energy is still unused! Depending again what foods she ate what? That could make it fat foods containing fat and sugar. If the food he ate did not contain high levels of fat or sugar is good, but still eat three hours before bedtime.

In addition to causing overweight or obese, eating irregular bedtime can also cause problems following problems:

1.Disturb time off night
         When eating before going to sleep, the digestive system will work harder to digest food. The result will affect the circadian rhythm is often called the sleep cycle. If this happens, then the sleep quality will decline.
2.Diabetes Risk
3.Can Get heart attack


         Dinner in general, people will be plenty to eat at night. The reason dikarenkan too tired bodies account after a day of work. After dinner people would tend to rest. Of course this is likely to create a calorie not had burned in the body. As a result, unburned calories will be converted into triglycerides in the body. Will then trigger increast fat content. In fact, it could lead to obesity and other health problems when it doing too often.
5. Appear disorders in the digestive system.
         If the meals right before bed, or close to bedtime, then one possibility of direct sleepy. Well, some cases there are problems uncomfortable, or even flatulence. If someone eat sleep immediately clear this is one among the types of problems in the digestive system.

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