
Many Benefit of Kefir


Many Benefit of Kefir

Kefir is very beneficial for beauty, specialy for skin. Kefir is a fermented beverage that can be made from cow's milk or goat's milk. Such as yogurt, drink is rich in healthy yeast and bacteria. Kefir meaning of the language turkey is tasty and good.
Kefir contains several types of bacteria that are usually not contained in yogurt. Kefir is fermented by using more microbes ie less than 60 microbes of the yogurt. The difference kefir with yogurt is a little more fluid than the yogurt.
In addition to yeast and good bacteria, kefir also contains some content, among others are amino acids, complete proteins, and many minerals. The Ways of making kefir was different with yogurt, during the process of fermentation, cow or goat's milk mixed with kefir grains that contain  the bacteria fetropoci and  lactobacillus .

The benefits of kefir is very much, some  are:
1.      Healthy digestive organs and improve digestion
2.      Kefir can improve motor function of the body
3.      Avoidance of symptoms of shortness of breath and asthma symptoms
4.      Lowering blood sugar levels
5.      In addition to the health of the organs in the body, kefir can also be used for skin beauty
Benefits of kefir for beauty.
kefir that made for mask can nourish the skin, so Komeda and acne can be treated with kefir, and make your skin healthier and more refined.

How to make kefir mask for beauty:

Tools and materials

  • 1 liter whole milk
  • 50 grams of kefir seeds
  • Glass jar or jar
  •  Fabric
  •  Spatula
  •  Filter 
The process of making a mask
1.      Mix the milk and kefir seeds into a glass jar and stir gently.
2.      Close the glass jar with a fabric, then cover again with the jar lid
3.      Let stand in a dark room for about 24 hours
4.     If it is 24 hours, open the jar and then stir again. Then cover again and let stand again for 12-24 hours. This is make the fermentation process more perfect
5.      For the final touch kefir strain and wanted batter earlier.
6.  Wait again for 48 hours to remove the top of the milk with a spatula
7.     Separate into another container and grab a spatula to take the top of the milk and separate them into another container
8.   Take spatula again to stir the bottom of kefir, kefir and enter into freezer to be refrigerated
9.      Now you can use your kefir mask for facial treatments.

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