
Supplement for Children ? Need or Not ?

Supplement for Children ? Need or Not ?

             All mother must care about all the food that eaten by her children. It is very important right?
The general food like fruits, vegetables, and meat is good food for your children. But in fact there are other nutrient that the benefits are not inferior to fruits and vegetables.

           Fish and nuts contain protein is an ideal source of nutrients for children .  salmon is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids, EDA, and DHA it is important for the growth and development of the child's brain function. Calcium is also needed for healthy bones and teeth of children who may be obtained from products such as milk and cheese. Whole grains that  get from bread and cereals also contain a rich source of fiber and certainly useful.

           The substances that should not be lacking in a child it is a source of protein, zinc source of food, and  source kalsium. there are also vegetables and fruits, vegetables and fruits  will help systems in the body, including growth hormone.

             If calorie, highly dependent on the age, so we start from the age of the child was 1 year, or 1-3 years requires not less than 1200 calories kilocalories, and when children 4-6 years of age he needs at least 1600 kilocalories, and when he aged 9-10 years was he required nothing less 1800 kilo kalori. And When 12 years old and older school  to teenagers that he needed not less from 2000 to 2300 kilocalories, and also differs between males and females.

            Parents  have to think what foods are best for their children, in addition to nutrients sometimes if seeing her parents have little or no appetite will add vitamin to their children. Give it in pack or  vitamins C, E and others.

Should  We give more vitamins for children? What is the benefits?

          Actually not necessary, because the vitamins and minerals in children it was not too big, Mother should give the children a good food that contain all the nutrients thaht children needed. So we are not need to provide additional vitamin shown to our children. 
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