The Magic Benefit of Date Palm
I believe that all of you is really know what is the date palm right? What is the benefits that can we get if we regularly consuming it? What do you think about that? Do you Want to know?
Actually Date palm has many benefit for us guys. The first, consume date palm can reduce blood lipid levels and stress in our body. Date palm can cleans the digestive system of human, overcome flu, creating a sense of warmth when rain, and there is not everyone knows that there are advice to pregnant women to consume 7 piece of dates palm everyday for 2 months before give birth.
He said it could create labor prose became more comfortable and smooth.
Dates Palm is very recommended for pregnant women before give birth, maternity or childbirth Women want it takes energy or power. Dates Palm it contains sugar, the sugar is important for the source of energy.
What is the good contain of date palm for pragnancy?
Date palm contain Fluktosa and glucose, When the date palm more mature the contain ofglucose is more higher , the plagues that are good for enhancing energy. We know that our power was obtained from sugar.
What is the adventage when the pregnant mother consuming Date palm everyday for
2 months old giving birth?
In the Date palm contains vitamins vitamins and minerals, so date palm is vey complate .So vitamins and minerals will be fulfilled during the pre and during childbirth.
Is there a limit to consume date palm?
Eating date palm Too much will Increasingly the High blood sugar levels. So to consume dates palm should be noted and look what is your need. .
Did you know that date palm seeds can also be utilized?
Date stones can be utilized after we soften. Date palm seeds can soften your cook, by mix it. Do not be afraid seed dates can change your taste cuisine, the date palm seeds will not change the taste your dish.
How to cultivate palm seeds
1. Clean the seeds date palm
2. Then put the seeds date palm a tray and dry in the sun .
3. Fry the seeds date palm without using oil until the color becomes black.
4. Grind the seeds date palm until smooth, and enter it into the jar, and you can use at any other time during cooking.