The Benefit of Swiftlet Nests for Health and Beauty
Swiftlet nests have been known since 1589. When the general Cheng Ho sailing between Southeast Asia and bring food as a gift to the emperor ming dynasty. Some researchers say that the birds' nest has been consumed since a thousand years ago when the emperor dynasty Thong. Swallow nest is made from the saliva of the swiftlet. Saliva is just out liquid will harden if it is exposed to air. Increasingly dried swiftlet saliva then the price will be higher. Produck of swiftlet saliva that can be used only on special swiftlet go into caves or buildings. Now swallow nest was already famous for herbal products, which are many benefits to the body.
Swiftlet nests are so many benefits for health and beauty, but do you know what are the benefits?
Swiftlet nests are mostly water-soluble protein, total protein content is about 65%, while the remainder is 10% water, 23.3% fat and 0.8% carbohydrate. The content of amino acids in bird nest around 6%, if 100 grams of bird's nest contained 49.9 g protein, 30.6 g carbohydrate, 4.9 g of iron, 25.5 g of organic salts including potassium , calcium, sodium and other minerals, and there 1,4 gr fiber.
Swallow nest containing EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) to produce natural collagen. So if you consume swallow nest regularly can help maintain the beauty of the skin, making the skin will feel smoother, more radiant and younger looking. The studies show Buring swallow nest contains amino acids and anti-oxidants, bird nest so this could be partly citadel of free radicals.
Swallow nest can be consumed children in its infancy, with consume routinely and regularly will boost immunity due to high nutrient content. Swallow nest can also maintain the health of the elderly, because it can help the process of renewal and increase metabolism.
According to nutrition practitioners Dr.Rita Ramayulis.DCN.M.kes swiftlet nests made from the saliva of the swiftlet after meticulous fact contain many amino acids, so many kinds of amino acids contained in the bird nest. Besides, he also has a fat content and a low carbohydrate, so does this food has featured in protein. Proteins are the basic components of the human body, so she can increase one's immunity, it can keep someone from a wide variety of disease, and also as a factor of growth and regeneration of cells. Swallow nest eaten so well for the person who was ill or who have a particular disease for cell regeneration "